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Olumide Fagboyegun

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I earned a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2021. While completing my undergraduate degree, I worked to understand the genetic and physical interactions of a putative epigenetic regulator in one lab; in another, I studied activity-dependent regulation of extracellular Amyloid-Beta in an Alzheimer’s model. At some point, I developed an unhealthy obsession with glial cells--Astrocytes--in particular. What do astrocytes do? How and when do they mature? How do they build and sculpt the brain? How do they influence plasticity? Are they the reason I’m such a big fan of red wine? These are the questions I ponder on long hikes through the White Mountains…
As a Graduate student in the Stevens Lab through Harvard’s PhD Program in Neuroscience, I plan to pursue these questions (Some to a greater extent than others). I’m excited to see where it all goes while working with a team of awesome scientists!


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