Lasse Dissing-Olesen

I am a passionate and enthusiastic scientist with a strong interest in pioneering new approaches for interrogating intriguing hypotheses. It has been an exciting experience to be part of the collaborative atmosphere in the Stevens lab and to immerse myself in the scientific environment that Boston has to offer.
I grew up in Denmark and obtained my BSc & MSc in Biomedical science at University of Southern Denmark, Odense under the supervision of Dr. Bente Finsen. Before joining the Stevens lab on a Lundbeck Foundation International Postdoc Fellowship, I graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada under the mentorship of Dr. Brian MacVicar
In the Stevens lab, I am leading the development of FEAST (Flow cytometric Engulfment Assay of Synaptic Terminals), a high throughput approach for unbiased quantification of in vivo engulfment at single cell resolution